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Monday, December 31, 2012

How to Lose 100lbs?

Diet to slim down your body, as Michelle Mohr's slim down from 210lb to 110lb.
Dare to take the challenge?

Breakfast: 2 scramled egg whites, 1/2 cup fat-free cottage cheese, an apple, a slice of toast and 9 almonds.
Lunch: Salad with chicken, chickpeas, mushrooms, celery and tomato.
Snack: String cheese and 1/2 cup grapes.
Dinner: Grilled chicken with zucchini and half a sweet potato.
Dessert: Sugar-free fudge pop

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Kisah Si Penggali Kubur

Kisah Si Penggali Kubur

Terdapat seorang pemuda yang kerjanya menggali kubur dan mencuri kain kafan untuk dijual. Pada suatu hari, pemuda tersebut berjumpa dengan seorang ahli ibadah untuk menyatakan kekesalannya dan keinginan untuk bertaubat kepada Allah s. w. t. Dia berkata, "Sepanjang aku menggali kubur untuk mencuri kain kafan, aku telah melihat 7 perkara ganjil yang menimpa mayat-mayat tersebut. Lantaran aku merasa sangat insaf ata perbuatanku yang sangat keji itu dan ingin sekali bertaubat."

1 " Yang pertama, aku lihat mayat yang pada siang harinya menghadap kiblat. Tetapi pabila aku menggali semula kuburnya pada waktu malam, aku lihat wajahnya telahpun membelakangkan kiblat. Mengapa terjadi begitu, wahai tuan guru?" tanya pemuda itu.
" Wahai anak muda, mereka itulah golongan yang telah mensyirikkan Allah s. w. t. sewaktu hidupnya. Lantaran Allah s. w. t. menghinakan mereka dengan memalingkan wajah mereka dari mengadap kiblat, bagi membezakan mereka daripada golongan muslim yang lain," jawab ahli ibadah tersebut.

2 Sambung pemuda itu lagi, " Golongan yang kedua, aku lihat wajah mereka sangat elok semasa mereka dimasukkan ke dalam liang lahad. Tatkala malam hari ketika aku menggali kubur mereka, ku lihat wajah mereka telahpun bertukar menjadi b*bi. Mengapa begitu halnya, wahai tuan guru?"
Jawab ahli ibadah tersebut, " Wahai anak muda, mereka itulah golongan yang meremehkan dan meninggalkan solat sewaktu hidupnya. Sesungguhnya solat merupakan amalan yang pertama sekali dihisab. Jika sempurna solat,maka sempurnalah amalan-amalan kita yang lain,"

3 Pemuda itu menyambung lagi, " Wahai tuan guru, golongan yang ketiga yang aku lihat, pada waktu siang mayatnya kelihatan seperti biasa sahaja. Pabila aku menggali kuburnya pada waktu malam, ku lihat perutnya terlalu gelembung, keluar pula ulat yang terlalu banyak daripada perutnya itu. "
Mereka itulah golongan yang gemar memakan harta yang haram,wahai anak muda," balas ahli ibadah itu lagi.

4 " Golongan keempat, ku lihat mayat yang jasadnya bertukar menjadi batu bulat yang hitam warnanya. Mengapa terjadi begitu, wahai tuan guru?"
Jawab ahli ibadah itu, " Wahai pemuda, itulah golongan manusia yang derhaka kepada kedua ibu bapanya sewaktu hayatnya.Sesungguhn ya Allah s. w. t. sama sekali tidak redha kepada manusia yang menderhakai ibubapanya."

5 " Ku lihat ada pula mayat yang kukunya amat panjang, hingga membelit-belit seluruh tubuhnya dan keluar segala isi dari tubuh badannya," sambung pemuda itu.
" Anak muda, mereka itulah golongan yang gemar memutuskan silaturrahim. Semasa hidupnya mereka suka memulakan pertengkaran dan tidak bertegur sapa lebih daripada 3 hari. Bukankah Rasulullah s. a. w. pernah bersabda, bahawa sesiapa yang tidak bertegur sapa melebihi 3 hari bukanlah termasuk dalam golongan umat baginda," jelas ahli ibadah tersebut.

6 " Wahai guru, golongan yang keenam yang aku lihat, sewaktu siangnya lahadnya kering kontang. Tatkala malam ketika aku menggali semula kubur itu, ku lihat mayat tersebut terapung dan lahadnya dipenuhi air hitam yang amat busuk baunya,"
" Wahai pemuda, itulah golongan yang memakan harta riba sewaktu hayatnya," jawab ahli ibadah tadi.

7 " Wahai guru, golongan yang terakhir yang aku lihat, mayatnya sentiasa tersenyum dan berseri-seri pula wajahnya. Mengapa demikian halnya wahai tuan guru?" tanya pemuda itu lagi.

Jawab ahli ibadah tersebut. " Wahai pemuda, mereka itulah golongan manusia yang berilmu. Dan mereka beramal pula dengan ilmunya sewaktu hayat mereka. Inilah golongan yang beroleh keredhaan dan kemuliaan di sisi Allah s. w. t. baik sewaktu hayatnya mahupun sesudah matinya."Ingatlah, sesungguhnya daripada Allah s. w. t kita datang dan kepadaNya jualah kita akan kembali. Kita akan dipertanggungjawabk an atas setiap amal yang kita lakukan, hatta amalan sebesar zarah.


Amusing Facts You Know Only When You Watch Movies

You will only know this when you watch Movies.

-It is always possible to park directly outside any building you are visiting.
-A detective can only solve a case once he has been suspended from duty.
-If you decide to start dancing in the street, everyone you bump into will know all the steps.
-Most laptop computers are powerful enough to override the communication systems of any invading alien civilization.
-It does not matter if you are heavily outnumbered in a fight involving martial arts - your enemies will wait patiently to attack you one by one by dancing around in a threatening manner until you have knocked out their predecessors.
-When a person is knocked unconscious by a blow to the head, they will never suffer a concussion or brain damage.
-No one involved in a car chase, hijacking, explosion, volcanic eruption or alien invasion will ever go into shock.
-Police Departments give their officers personality tests to make sure they are deliberately assigned a partner who is their total opposite.
-When they are alone, all foreigners prefer to speak English to each other.

-You can always find a chainsaw when you need one.
-Any lock can be picked by a credit card or a paper clip in seconds, unless it's the door to a burning building with a child trapped inside.
-An electric fence, powerful enough to kill a dinosaur will cause no lasting damage to an eight-year-old child.
-Television news bulletins usually contain a story that affects you personally at that precise moment you turn the television on.

Monday, December 17, 2012

How To Get Salary Increment

How a maid got her salary increment...

A maid wanted an increment & approached her Madam. 

The Madam was very upset about this and asked: "Now Monnie, why do you 
want an increment?"

Maid: "Well Madam, there are three reasons why I want an increment the
first is that I iron better than you."
Madam: "Who said you iron better than me?"
Maid: "The master said so." 
Madam: "Oh!!"

Maid: "The second reason is that I am a better cook than you."
Madam: "Nonsense, who said you are a better cook than me?"
Maid: "The master did."
Madam: "Oh!!!" 

Maid: "My third reason is that I am a better lover than you."
Madam (very upset now): "Did the master say so as well?"
Maid: "No madam, the gardener did."

The Maid gets the raise... 

This Maid really clever... hahaha...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Best Apple Cake

Genius Apple Cake

Butter for greasing pan
3 cups flour, plus more for dusting pan
1 1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups peeled, cored, and thickly sliced tart apples like Honeycrisp or Granny Smith
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup raisins
Vanilla ice cream (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter and flour a 9-inch tube pan. Beat the oil and sugar together in a mixer (fitted with a paddle attachment) while assembling the remaining ingredients. After about 5 minutes, add the eggs and beat until the mixture is creamy.
2. Sift together 3 cups of flour, the salt, cinnamon and baking soda. Stir into the batter. Add the vanilla, apples, walnuts and raisins and stir until combined.
3. Transfer the mixture to the prepared pan. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool in the pan before lifting out. Serve at room temperature with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream, if desired.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Perfect Resume

How to Write the Perfect Resume
It takes recruiters an average of "six seconds before they make the initial 'fit or no fit' decision" on candidates based on resumes, according to research conducted by TheLadders. With this kind of competition, you need to have a flawless resume to get through the screening process.

We write a lot about resumes — what to do, what not to do — so now we're introducing a guide to crafting a curriculum vitae that will get you into the interview room. However, these rules are general advice we compiled from career experts. Everyone should tailor their own resume depending on the industry they're in and the position they're applying for.

Tailor your resume to the specific position you're applying for.

elizabethdaniellephotos / statigr.amYou're basically selling yourself on that piece of paper, so mold the information to reflect what your potential employer is looking for in an ideal job candidate. This is different depending on your industry.

Miriam Salpeter advises in U.S.News & World Report that candidates should study the company's web site and "look for repeated words and phrases, taglines, and hints about their philosophical approaches."

Then, "mirror some of their language and values in your resume."

Put your name and contact info at the top.

Business InsiderThis sounds simple, but Peter S. Herzog, author of the book "How To Prolong Your Job Search: A Humorous Guide to the Pitfalls of Resume Writing," says that applicants will try putting this important information on the side or bottom.

This is how it should be done:
1. Put your name in bold face and/or regular caps.
2. Include your full address and home, work (optional) and/or cell phone numbers and your email address but do not bold these.

Decide if you want to include an objective.

Business InsiderWe've heard experts go both ways on this, so you need to decide for yourself if you want to include an objective.

Peri Hansen, a principal with a recruiting firm, tells Penelope Patsuris at Forbes that an objective is "the fastest way to pigeon-hole yourself" and if you "specify 'Asset Manager' you may not even be considered for 'Financial Planner.'"

On the other hand, Alex Douzet, CEO of TheLadders, tells us that everyone should include an objective and compare it to a "30-second elevator pitch" where you should "explain who you are and what you're looking for."

The bottom line is to only include an objective if it's not generic.

The length of your resume should reflect years of experience.

j_margerison/statigr.amThis might be difficult if you've had a lot of experience and you're proud of all of it. But this doesn't mean it's necessarily relevant. Cut it down.

If you're in your twenties, your resume should only be one page — there's not enough experience to justify a second one, Alison Green writes in U.S.News & World Report.

However, if you've had more than 10 years of experience, you can add a second page, Douzet tells us.

Don't list your hobbies.

lorenjade_/statigr.amHiring managers only care about what you can do for the company, so if you can't connect your hobbies to the job you're applying for then leave them off your resume. If your extracurricular activities are relevant, you can include them at the bottom.

"I don't really care what kind of a person you are," Paul Ray Jr., CEO of recruiting firm Ray & Berndtson, tells Penelope Patsuris at Forbes. "I want to know what you can do for me."

Don't list your references.

aggressivebull/statigr.amIf your prospective employer wants to speak to your references, they'll ask you. Also, it's better if you have a chance to tell your references ahead of time that a future employer might be calling.

Alison Green writes at U.S.News & World Report: "Unless the company has specifically asked for something other than a cover letter and resume, don't send it. Sometimes candidates include unsolicited writing samples, letters of recommendation, transcripts, and so forth. In most cases, sending these extras without being asked won't help you, and in some cases it can actually hurt."

Create your own CV template.

Simone Fortunini's resume. (Simone Fortunini)The pre-made resume templates offered on word processing programs like Microsoft Word just scream "template," Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter writes in Glassdoor. You can use those templates as a guide, but create your own final copy.

Furthermore, you should always stick to a format that's appropriate in your industry.

Simone Fortunini was an online marketing manager when he decided to create a resume in the form of an interactive web site resembling a Google Analytics page.

Fortunini tells us that since his work experience stems from online marketing and advertising campaigns, Google Analytics is a basic tool that those in his industry work with, and he wanted to create a resume illustrating his understanding in online marketing, graphic design abilities and HTML skills.

Use plenty of white space to draw the reader’s eye to specific items.

Business InsiderDon't include so much information that it gets distracting.

"Make it pleasing to the eye, and balanced with bullets, italics and bold font," Roxanne Peplow, career advisor at Computer Systems Institute, tells us. "Have your name stand out in bigger and bold letters ... bullet point your accomplishments. Too many words on a page are exhausting to read."

Use the right keywords.

Business InsiderPeplow says that "you must put some of the keywords from the job posting into your resume, or it will probably never be seen by human eyes."

This is because a lot of companies use online recruitment tools to sift through resumes, writes Lauren Weber in The Wall Street Journal.

Barbara Safani of CareerSolvers suggests using LinkedIn's skills section to find the keywords that would most likely be used in a company's search query database. To do this, click on the "More" tab in your LinkedIn profile and enter a type of skill or description into the search box. This will result in a list of related skills popping up, which you can use as keywords on your resume.

Only include relevant work experience.

Business InsiderKeep your resume focused and don't include every single job you've ever had. 

Eve Tahmincioglu at MSNBC writes: "In this economy, there’s a good chance a long-term job seeker has a part-time job (or jobs) under his or her belt just to make ends meet. But that doesn’t mean you should include every burger flipping, or retail-selling job you’ve had. Putting too many of those jobs on your resume, especially if they have nothing to do with the job you want, can hurt your chances of landing a new position."

“Resumes are a summary of the most important data,” Debra Feldman, a job search expert, tells Tahmincioglu. “In my opinion, a part-time job just to pay the bills would not fall into that category."

Peplow tells us that even if you have minimal work experience, this doesn’t mean that you have nothing to offer. Highlight your transferable skills, which are the ones that you can use from one job to the next — regardless of the position. 

Use bullet points to list responsibilities and accomplishments.

Business InsiderUnder each job or experience you've had, list your responsibilities and accomplishments in no more than three to five bullet points, writes Jasper Anson in AskMen.

And don't use full sentences. 

Liz Wolgemuth at U.S.News & World Report writes: "[Compare] the process to flipping through a jumbo-size magazine. Readers don't spend a lot of time on each page. Full sentences are, quite simply, too time consuming in today's hiring world."

Put a number to your accomplishments.

Business InsiderYour resume is for experience and accomplishments only. It's not the place for subjective traits, like "great leadership skills" or "creative innovator, says Alison Green in U.S.News & World Report.

You should always try to quantify your accomplishments.

Suzanne Lucas at CBS Moneywatch writes: "Some departments have 1 person, and some have 350. Quantify yours. "Managed a department of 12 analysts" is a lot stronger than "Managed a department." Did you have budget responsibilities? "Managed a $2.3 Million budget" is very different from "Managed a $75,000 budget." How many clients did you juggle? 1, 2, 25? Quantify."

If you can't put a number on what you've done, try linking the impact of your projects to the company's "point of sales." For example, if you were in charge of creating a marketing campaign on Facebook, show that you were able to reach the company's target market without having to spend the money that is usually spent on advertising.

"Basically, if you can't prove that you have sales, you can prove that you saved the company money by reducing marketing expenses," Roderick Lewis, international relations director, ISCTE Business School, University Institute of Lisbon, tells us. 

Keep information about your education as short as possible.

Business InsiderInclude only relevant education information: the name of your college, your degree, and the year you graduated. 

Susan Adams writes in Forbes that experienced workers should include their education at the end of their resumes. If you're a new graduate, you should consider including a list of course work that's relevant to the position you're applying for.

And don't even think about listing your high school education and activities — unless you're under 20 and "have no education or training beyond high school," according to Tracy Burns-Martin's book "Before and After Resumes."

Use a chronological resume format.

Business InsiderThe chronological resume — which is really reverse-chronological — is the format most often used. On the other hand, a functional resume doesn't include a chronological job history, but instead focuses on skills and abilities. 

"Many hiring managers, me included, hate [functional resumes],"  Alison Green writes in her blog "Ask A Manager." She says: "Generally, the first thing I think when I see them is, 'What is this candidate trying to hide?' That’s because people tend to use functional resumes when they’re trying to hide an employment gap, or job-hopping, or outdated skills (because it matters if your Web design experience is from 10 years ago or one year ago), or other things I’d rather know about. And if I do remain interested in the candidate, the first thing I’m going to do when I talk to them is ask them to walk me through their job history, with dates — and it’s going to annoy me that I have to, and if I have other good candidates I may not even bother."

If you've been unemployed for a while and you're afraid a chronological resume format will work against you, include any volunteer work you did during this gap and use it as an asset, writes Burns-Martin in her book.

Don't reveal everything.

The goal of the resume is to get you an interview with the company.

Therefore, you shouldn't reveal everything about yourself in the resume — just enough to get the hiring manager's attention, Peplow tells us.

Lawak.- Yang Mana Satu?

Yang Mana Satu?

"Seorang pelancong Australia nampak kebingungan ketika mencari sebuah restoran makanan barat di Jalan Pasir. Tak lama kemudian seorang budak kecil melintas didepannya.. dan tanpa fikir panjang dia cuba bertanya pada budak kecil itu dengan bahasa melayu yang kucar kacir.

"Maaf dik.. tumpang tanya.. Apa betul ini jalan Pasir?"

Budak kecil itu mengangguk sambil menjawab... "ha'ah"

Pelancong itu tidak faham perkataan 'ha'ah'.

Namun kerana budak kecil itu mengangguk. Dia yakin bahawa jawabannya adalah betul.

Masih dalam kebingungan. . melintaslah pula seorang remaja di depannya. Lalu sekali lagi dia bertanya..

"Maaf dik.. tumpang tanya... Apa betul nama jalan ini adalah jalan Pasir?"

Budak remaja itu mengangguk sambil menjawab, "Benar"

Nampaknya pelancong itu tidak juga memahami perkataan 'benar'.

Namun kerana budak remaja itu mengangguk.. dia yakin yang jawabannya adalah betul.

Masih dalam kebingungan, melintaslah pula orang dewasa.. lalu pelancong itu segera bertanya

"Maaf encik.. saya tumpang tanya... Apa betul nama jalan ini Jalan Pasir?"

Orang dewasa itu mengangguk sambil menjawab, "Betul."

Akhirnya pelancong itu merasa puas.. tapi masih kehairanan.. lalu Untuk menghapus rasa keraguannya. . dia bertanya lagi..

"Saya keliru.. Tadi saya bertanya kepada budak kecil, tapi jawabannya 'ha'ah'.. lalu saya bertanya kepada seorang remaja muda dan jawabannya 'benar'. akhirnya saya bertanya kepada encik dan encik menjawab 'betul', tapi semuanya mengangguk. Sebenarnya mana yang betul?"

"Oh, itu maksudnya sama aja.. Kalau yang menjawab 'ha'ah' bererti latar belakang pendidikannya sekolah rendah aje... Kalau yang menjawab 'benar', orang itu latar belakang pendidikannya pasti sekolah menengah.. dan kalau yang menjawab 'betul' itu pastinya orang itu ada sarjana," jawab orang dewasa itu...

"Jadi.. Anda tadi menjawab 'betul', bererti snda seorang sarjana ya?" tanya Pelancong lagi..

Orang dewasa ini terus mengangguk sambil menjawab, "ha'ah"

8 Easy Way To Cut Calories & Be Slim

8 Easy Way To Cut Calories & Be Slim 

It's December! We're on holiday mood again. So many invitation for so many occasion whether it's wedding, festive or  parties etc.  So much for food galore and you wonder whether your waistline will still be the same next month. But then, who could resist delicious food and drinks huh.

If you want to watch your calorie intake and watching your waistline, adopt below easy way to cut down calorie but still enjoy the food and stay slim. No matter what season or what reason, lets be healthy and happy.

1. WATER.  Always choose water.  It's guilt free and no calories. Switch your drink to water at any time of the day, any place.  A can of soda give you 140 to 170 calories. Water = 0 calorie.  Count how many times a day that you drink soda, coffee, alcohol etc.  You will be amaze on how many calories that you cut down by choosing water instead. If your taste bud really can't take the plain-ness of water, drop a little bit of honey or  a few drop of lemon juice into that plain water.

2. SAY NO TO FRIED FOOD. Totally reject fried breaded food.  Fried food have high calories. Breaded fried food contained even more unneeded oil, which translated into more calories. Switch to bake or grill food instead.

3. SWITCH SAUCES.  Forget a sweet and sour sauce on your stir fry.  Seasoning it with soysause and ginger.  For barbecue, use salt and pepper instead.  Sauce and gravies have more calories than what you needed.  The food taste better with less sauce.

4. SWITCH OIL.  If you love to bake, instead of using vegetable oil, replace it with unsweetened Applesauce.  Your food still be delicious with the same great taste but you cut down the calories in that food.

5.  CHOOSE FRESH FRUIT. Instead of canned fruit which was laced heavily with syrup (more unwanted calories for you), eat fresh fruit instead.  If can't be avoided, consider to rinse the syrup from canned fruit before you eat it.

6.  SAY NO TO FRENCH FRIES.  Choose baked potato instead. French fries may taste good but the calories will give you extra inch to your waistline if you regularly eat it.

7.  MUNCH FRUIT instead of chips or snack.  If you love to munch in between meals, choose the non sweet fruit such as guava which loaded with vitamin C.  Or eat cucumber instead.  It's curb your hungry but didn't add your calories intake.

8.  CUT YOUR PORTION.  Control your food intake.  The easy way to do it is to drink a glass of water about 20 minutes before your meal.  It will lessen the urge to scoop more food into your plate.  Consider change your plate to a size smaller. If currently you are using 8" plate, change it to 6" instead.  The smaller the plate, the lesser chances of over loaded it with food. But remember, once you clear the food from that plate, don't take a second serving.

Lets switch to a healthier happy life today.  Small changes will make a different.  Enjoy the food sensibly for a better healthier you.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Low Calorie 2 Minutes Brownie in Mug Recipe

Low Calorie 2 Minutes Brownie In Mug

Low Calorie Brownie In Mug

1 tbsp Flour
1 tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa
3/4 tbsp Brown Sugar
2 tbsp Unsweetened Applesauce 
(can replace applesauce with vegetable oil) 
1/8 Tbsp vanilla extract
1 pinch Salt
1 pinch baking powder
6 Dark Chocolate Chips 
(add white choc chips if desire)

1. Combine all ingredients into microwaveable safe mug (except the chocolate chips)
2. Mix thoroughly using fork
3. Sprinkle chocolate chips evenly on top of brownie mixture
4. Set "High" and microwave it for 1 minute.
5. Take it out. Let it cool and voila! Enjoy your brownie.

p/s If you switch to use vegetable oil, the calorie is higher than original recipe.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Real case of Benjamin Buttons: Matthew and Michael Clark are aging backwards

Real Benjamin Buttons Brothers: Matthew and Michael Clark Are Aging Backwards

The Clark brothers (courtesy of Channel4)By the looks of their home, Tony and Christine Clark are raising two rambunctious 7-year-old boys. Model train tracks and Monopoly pieces are scattered on tables and cartoons flicker on the TV set.

But the Clarks' two sons are grown men who share only the same interests and emotional fluctuations of little boys. Like the character portrayed by Brad Pitt in the 2008 film "The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons," Matthew, 39, and Michael, 42, are aging backwards.

Diagnosed with a terminal form of leukodystrophy, one of a group of extremely rare genetic disorders that attack the Myelin, or white matter, in the nervous system, spinal cord, and brain. In the Clarks' case, the condition has not only eroded their physical capacities, but their emotional and mental states as well.
Only six years ago, both brothers were holding down jobs and growing their families. Today, they spend their days in the care of their parents, both in their sixties, playing with Mr. Potato Head, fighting over Monopoly, and in rare lucid moments, struggling to understand why their lives have changed so dramatically. 

Before the Clark Brothers were diagnosed, they were living independent lives. Michael served in the Royal Air Force and later became a cabinet maker. Matthew worked in a factory and was raising a teenage daughter. Tony and Christine, meanwhile, had retired and moved from the UK to Spain. Then in 2007, both of their sons fell off the radar. They stopped returning their parents' calls and texts, and as the Clark brothers' conditions developed, their lives fell apart. 

Should parents get their kids' genome sequenced? 
Michael surfaced in a soup kitchen, and was referred to medical experts by social workers. After an MRI scan, he was diagnosed with the incurable degenerative disorder. Soon after Matthew received the same news. In the U.S. alone, about 1 in 40,000 children are born with a form of the neurodegenerative disease, according to Dr. William Kintner, President of the United Leukodystrophy Foundation. While some forms of the disorder are potentially treatable if discovered in the earliest stages and not all cause an emotional regression, the brothers are unlikely to be cured. "It's very difficult to do anything once progression has occurred," Dr. Kintner tells Yahoo! Shine.
With their train set.(Courtesy of Channel4)
As of April, when the Clarks were first written about in the British press, their mental age was 10.
"We will be out walking and things which might interest a toddler interest them, the other day we were walking home when Michael saw a balloon and pointed it out to us," father Tony Clark, told The Telegraph last spring.
Today, the brothers are even younger mentally.
"Just like small children, they wake up a lot during the night," mom Christine said in an interview published in The Independent this week. "I was up seven times with them last night."
After learning of their diagnoses, Tony and Christine returned to the UK and moved in with their sons. Their daily struggles as a family have been chronicled in a British documentary, "The Curious Case of the Clark Brothers," airing Monday in the UK.

Earlier this year, Matthew became a grandfather, when his daughter had a son. But the news for the family was bittersweet, as the Clark brothers' mental age continued to creep backwards. 
"There's no return to them being cute little boys," said Christine, who regularly manages their tantrums and fights over Monopoly. "They're big strong men—and that presents a quite different set of problems."
More recently, even their physical strength began deteriorating.
"A few weeks ago, they could still manage with a knife and fork, but now that's getting too difficult for them—they get the food onto their forks, but somehow it all falls off before it reaches their mouths," she said.

Donors and genetic disorders: how much do you know? 
Now walking is the next hurdle; Matthew is already confined to a wheelchair.

"The likelihood that they're on a terminal course is fairly certain, but who knows?" says Dr. Kintner, who is familiar with the Clark case but didn't meet the brothers. "If they were citizens of U.S., we'd try to get them to the National Institute of Health for diagnostic work, but in the UK the system is different. There is no comparable organization with genetic diseases, so it's a little more difficult there."

Dr. Kintner estimates there are several million cases of one of the estimated 40 types of leukodystrophies in the U.S., but an exact number is hard to pinpoint. The different forms of the disorder are still being identified and tests for each known type are still being developed. "It's going to take a long time," says Dr. Kintner. "I hope in my lifetime I see a cure for some of them."
A preview for the British documentary on the Clark Brothers airing on the UK's Channel 4.

2 Minit Brownie Cawan (2 minutes Mug Brownie)

2 Minit saja diperlukan untuk buat brownie cawan nih. Simple & easy.
Resepi diadaptasi dari

Just 2 minutes needed for this Mug Brownie.

1/4 cawan tepung
1/4 cawan gula perang
2 sudu serbuk koko
secubit garam
2 sudu minyak sayuran (minyak jagung/mazola/yg seumpamanya)
2 sudu susu atau air kopi atau air suam

Dalam cawan yang boleh digunakan untuk microwave, masukkan bahan-bahan kering dan kacau guna garpu.
Masukkan minyak dan susu (atau air kopi atau air suam). Kacau sebati.
Masukkan dalam microwave. Set high untuk 60 saat.
Lepas 30 atau 40 saat check dulu. Mungkin dah masak (bergantung pada microwave) tapi selalunya 60 saat dah ok dan garing sket atasnya.
Keluarkan. Boleh la makan.
Nak lagi best, letak  1 scoop aiskrim vanilla.  Mmm.... yummy....

Gambar langkah demi langkah ada kat bawah.

cocoa 755x1024 Two Minute Mug Brownie
2 min brownie dry ingred 1024x682 Two Minute Mug Brownie
2 min brownie adding wet ingred 1024x771 Two Minute Mug Brownie
2 min brownie batter 1024x714 Two Minute Mug Brownie
2 min brownie fork in it 682x1024 Two Minute Mug Brownie
2 min brownie baked 682x1024 Two Minute Mug Brownie

Monday, November 26, 2012

Easy Poptart Chocolate

Poptart Chocolate - Very Easy & Simple

You just need 2 ingredients


2 prepared pie crusts
2 dark chocolate bars (or  other chocolate that you prefer)

Step 1.
 Break the chocolate into 2-square pieces. Place three pieces of chocolate on one half of the pie crust. Step 1Step 1

Step 2. Place the second half of pie crust over the top of the chocolate. Use a pizza cutter or crimped-edge knife to slice around the chocolate, leaving a 1/4″ space around each edge of the chocolate. Crimp the edges with a fork and transfer to a baking sheet. Step 2Step 2

Step 3. Bake poptarts in an oven preheated to 425 degrees for 9-11 minutes, or just until the edges are golden brown. Transfer to a cooling rack. Melt the extra pieces of chocolate in a small ziploc bag, snip off the corner of the bag, and drizzle over the poptarts. Step 3Step 3

Serve poptarts hot or cold, with a glass of cold milk. Recipe makes 6 small Pop-Tarts.

Be creative.  You can change the filling for strawberry jam mixed with chunky fresh strawberry (cut the strawberry into small pieces) or other filling to your liking.

Happy baking! :)