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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

8 Easy Way To Cut Calories & Be Slim

8 Easy Way To Cut Calories & Be Slim 

It's December! We're on holiday mood again. So many invitation for so many occasion whether it's wedding, festive or  parties etc.  So much for food galore and you wonder whether your waistline will still be the same next month. But then, who could resist delicious food and drinks huh.

If you want to watch your calorie intake and watching your waistline, adopt below easy way to cut down calorie but still enjoy the food and stay slim. No matter what season or what reason, lets be healthy and happy.

1. WATER.  Always choose water.  It's guilt free and no calories. Switch your drink to water at any time of the day, any place.  A can of soda give you 140 to 170 calories. Water = 0 calorie.  Count how many times a day that you drink soda, coffee, alcohol etc.  You will be amaze on how many calories that you cut down by choosing water instead. If your taste bud really can't take the plain-ness of water, drop a little bit of honey or  a few drop of lemon juice into that plain water.

2. SAY NO TO FRIED FOOD. Totally reject fried breaded food.  Fried food have high calories. Breaded fried food contained even more unneeded oil, which translated into more calories. Switch to bake or grill food instead.

3. SWITCH SAUCES.  Forget a sweet and sour sauce on your stir fry.  Seasoning it with soysause and ginger.  For barbecue, use salt and pepper instead.  Sauce and gravies have more calories than what you needed.  The food taste better with less sauce.

4. SWITCH OIL.  If you love to bake, instead of using vegetable oil, replace it with unsweetened Applesauce.  Your food still be delicious with the same great taste but you cut down the calories in that food.

5.  CHOOSE FRESH FRUIT. Instead of canned fruit which was laced heavily with syrup (more unwanted calories for you), eat fresh fruit instead.  If can't be avoided, consider to rinse the syrup from canned fruit before you eat it.

6.  SAY NO TO FRENCH FRIES.  Choose baked potato instead. French fries may taste good but the calories will give you extra inch to your waistline if you regularly eat it.

7.  MUNCH FRUIT instead of chips or snack.  If you love to munch in between meals, choose the non sweet fruit such as guava which loaded with vitamin C.  Or eat cucumber instead.  It's curb your hungry but didn't add your calories intake.

8.  CUT YOUR PORTION.  Control your food intake.  The easy way to do it is to drink a glass of water about 20 minutes before your meal.  It will lessen the urge to scoop more food into your plate.  Consider change your plate to a size smaller. If currently you are using 8" plate, change it to 6" instead.  The smaller the plate, the lesser chances of over loaded it with food. But remember, once you clear the food from that plate, don't take a second serving.

Lets switch to a healthier happy life today.  Small changes will make a different.  Enjoy the food sensibly for a better healthier you.

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